Monday, December 3, 2012

Work Life Balance Part 3

Here's part three, hopefully you've already read Part 1 featuring wisdom from author of Rich Before 30, Lesley Scorgie. And Part 2 featuring Husky Energy VP Nancy Foster.

If you did not, I'll catch you up, I recently attended Young Women of Influence's Evening Series on Work/Life Balance; featuring a panel of three highly successful, exquisitely balanced women. Today I bring you the conclusion of this posting series, featuring the advice of Melissa Gunning.

Melissa Gunning, the founder of Wean Green (Twitter).

Melissa is the shining example of going after what you want. This mother of 2 used to be a teacher, before her determination to provide safe and environmental baby products for her own children, and yours as well, lead her to start her own company. The courage it must take to go after your dream like that is respectable to say the least.

On being asked "What does balance look like to you?"
"I make up balance. I redefine it everyday....and my house is a mess right now, by the way." Reassuring, because mine often is as well!
Melissa certainly has the most unique work style of the three invited speakers, with two young children she works mainly from home, except when travelling for business.

On working at home:
 When on the phone with potential buyers, her littler one often provides background noise from the potty.
 On dealing with 'mommy guilt':
"Mommy guilt should be outlawed...this is empowering....noone else can tech my girls to be as empowered as me."
The most important lesson for success? Surround yourself with people who not only support you but who understand your goals. A strong team personally and professionally with get you farthest.

With such a busy lifestyle, where does she find down time? Airplanes, where else can you just sit back, order wine, and watch a movie? Well I don't know if flights are quite that relaxing for me, but I can see what she's getting at.

And what was her final piece of advice?
"Try and plan ahead as much as possible...Sundays are planning days...I cook on Sundays." Having a plan for the week certainly does make things go more smoothly.
 Thanks again to Melissa and Women of Influence for this event. I hope you enjoyed reading about it as much as I did attending. No matter what your career goals or life goals are, I think between these three influential women there is something everyone can relate to and something everyone can take away.

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